sound[] music; (archive)

this page exists to provide information for older releases and archive the look of the music page before my major site overhaul

SpaztastiX (single, collab)

mt180 & TerraRuneOfficial

25 July 2024

notes first official collab project i've finished. i'm not proud of it by any means but it's not bad which constitutes a win i think. i let terra upload it because i wasn't particularly worried about publishing it at all but they were confident it was release worthy. go off i guess

it's probably really obvious who made each part but i think that's part of the fun. i doubt i'll do anything like this again for a long while but who knows. maybe potat will appear in my dms asking to collab every day for the next 3 years

marionette (single)


14 July 2024

notes hi i still don't know how to make music and i've been doing this for some time now. no huge inspirations for this one. not much to talk about here really

cycle's heart (EP)


19 June 2024

notes very excited about this ep. it's inspired by zef parisoto's submerged self ep and contains what i believe to be my best work so far. i also use my voice in this one which is really unusual and might never happen again so that's cool. i say more in the readme in the download if you care

i suppose i'll write a bit about the tracks
the first track was made when i was exceptionally tired. i realized i had something cool in the first few notes i played for the melody thing so i decided i would write an album around it
track two was made when i was listening to the aforementioned submerged self ep multiple times per day. the primary bass sound in the drops are actually based directly off a sound in don't you forget me. i also did some weird vocal chop thing for a sound in the last drop.
third track is the most important one. i say words in it! the lyrics are in the readme i mentioned before. they should also be in the description of individual track upload if i don't forget
last track is some dark atmospheric thing i made based off aurastys - qxxv
  1. look to the sunset... yt sc
  2. look to the sunset and find it enlightening yt sc
  3. look to the sunset and find her light yt sc
  4. ...and find nothing at all yt sc

imbalance (single)


13 April 2024

notes new dnb track. this took an entire month to make because i kept running into issues making it sound like one continuous song. i also had a hard time with sound design in several steps
now it's out anyway! i think it's very cool. its initial draft was massively inspired by (if not like, directly stolen from) a GBB24 loopstation wildcard by Balance. i then added a part which was largely inspired by the fast bubbly part in nhelv (i am making no sense) (timestamped link)

most of the sounds in this song, as usual, were made using this ancient vst i have called impulse. a couple sounds were made in vital, and the last drop's main sound is made from sampled parts of the first drop (chopped and played through some version of the tx16wx vst sampler) frequency shifted down and distorted a bunch. drums took an unusual amount of time to get right. everything was also weirdly quiet until 2 days before release.

this song sucks on speakers and i am NOT sorry. my stuff is made for headphone listening, if you're not listening on headphones it'll probably just sound bad. i can't stop you though



21 March 2024

notes guys i actually continued doing the one release per month thing. that's insane
song was mostly made on stream. you can find the stream somewhere i don't feel like linking it
i also don't feel like writing about this song right now. maybe you can bother me about it on discord later or smth idc

RESTORE (single)


18 February 2024

notes congratulations to me for actually sticking to the words i said when i said "i want to do at least one release per month"
this track took like a week to make because i kept only working for 30-50 minute sessions and i could not figure out what to do for the intro

i believe i've said before that i don't really like house but for some reason i keep doing house-adjacent things. i think my problem with house isn't necessarily anything to do with the genre itself and more with the common conventions and artists associated with it. i started to realize this when i was watching the gbb2023 loopstation category battles, many of the rounds are house but i found i was enjoying them anyway. part of it was that it was a loopstation battle so i was directly perceiving a higher level of performance compared with the house music i was familiar with (whether such a comparison can really be made or not), but part of it was that it was actually just good music.
then i made music on --stunlock; which includes some house-like styles, confirming to myself that house doesn't suck because it's house and more because the house i was familiar with sucked

so here's a song that includes some heavier (for my style) dnb stuff, some house-ish stuff, some melodic-ish dnb stuff, and whatever other sounds i wanted to add. i hope someone out there likes it

--STUNLOCK; (album)


7 January 2024

notes this album took 6 months of my life. oh my god i am so glad it's over. this has a collection of some of my best music ever on it. handle with care.
i have surprisingly little to say about the album itself but you can read about each of the tracks on the album's page
  1. unmoving (intro) sc
  2. stairs yt sc
  3. occasion yt sc
  4. do you like the way i dry my car yt sc
  6. mushroom village at "The Edge" yt sc
  7. untitled yt sc
  8. END key yt sc
  9. i never learned what the club is yt sc
  10. snail party /jamtime./ yt sc
  11. Trashrave yt sc
  12. -no-fantasy- yt sc
  13. INVALID: arrangement yt sc
  14. to be yourself yt sc
  15. ʟɪᴄᴋɪɴɢ_ᴍʏ_ᴘᴀᴡs yt sc
  16. destination yt sc


Last Cosmillex

20 December 2023

notes not a lot to say about this one. same song but dnb and a bit longer. i like it more than the original

FALL APART (single)

Last Cosmillex

10 December 2023

notes this song is literally clipping the entire time. don't ask how i did it. or do. who cares. it was fun.

"ok that's cool and all but music sometimes means things what does this song mean"
not much. i made it while being pissed off at younger me for not capitalizing on what i had, so i guess it's a song about that. i made it while being pissed off at younger me for not being nicer to and spending more time with people i cared about who are gone now, so i guess it's a song about that. mostly, it's a song about the hatred of loss. it's also a song about being REALLY fucking loud. those have equal emotional significance, i'm sure. really you can interpret this song however you want, that's how art usually goes.
as for making the song, there isn't a whole lot to say. i made it in a couple hours in an afternoon because i was really bored. the fundamental musical idea is the same as that in dan worrall's "i won the loudness war", be as loud as possible while still being worth listening to. i am nowhere near as skilled or experienced as dan worrall, but i am an individual which makes me pretty much guaranteed to come up with something unique and interesting, even if it sucks.

Cosmicore Vol.3 (compilation)

Last Cosmillex

4 November 2023

notes i spent longer than i ever should have on this. i was scared i would make something shitty and then have to live with the fact that i released trash. then i remembered that is precisely the reason this alias exists
enjoy this messy concoction of random shit i made over god knows how long. yes it is only 5 and a half minutes. live with it, moron.
  1. Station Earth - Cold Green Eyes (last cosmillex bootleg) yt sc
  2. REJXCT MUSIC yt sc
  3. the new ones are in. i think yt sc

violent (single)


22 October 2023

notes a dnb track i started on stream (vod link). very loud. i actually checked the RMS levels in audacity before uploading, apparently it's at -5db average! it's also clipping most of the time. amazing!
i consider this to be part of the same series as burning thoughts and penultimate dawn, despite the fact i am not uploading this in affiliation with dubstart (i actually ditched that group, my values and tolerance for certain kinds of electronic artists don't really align with them)

para5it1c.dll (single)


9 September 2023

notes this song mostly sucks. it's a dnb track where i went out of my way to do wacky things i normally wouldn't do. it didn't turn out amazingly. most of the wacky noises in this track are the result of running (fake) modular percussive noises through auto-filter. some of them are the same thing but starting with a breakbeat instead

listening not recommended

/kət'æˑst̠ʃɹəfiˑ/ (single)


1 July 2023

notes i've been hyping this one up for longer than i really needed to. it was originally going to be on an album (along with |styx|) but then i kinda gave up on that idea. now it's a single release!
very proud of this one- lots of neat ideas. it's definitely the best interpretation of final days (from the cone 2) that never happened
the name is an ipa transcription of how i say \"catastrophe\". it actually has a trillion mistakes in it but most people don't care and won't notice

inspiration comes from a few places on this one. the drop lead is based on my track final days, which itself is basically my attempt at creating a copy of nhelv by silentroom
i got the idea to do the nes part from the gameboy part in wanderlust by TQBF (timestamped)
i actually created a snare for this track. it's pretty simple and i'm sure a million people have done it before (including probably silentroom himself for nhelv). it's a short decay white noise hit with a quickly descending sine wave on top and some compression and distortion- easy to do in vital and probably serum
future update: somehow forgot to mention that there's a random thing i did that i heard in kurokotei - chronostasis (timestamped) leading into the second drop and also it's a measure of 5/4 because i am a fan of counting like a nerd
also, the title has a trillion mistakes because i was trying to use ipa before actually learning it at all

*0xfa7e=null (single)


25 June 2023

notes so, like, this track sucks. it's literally garbage
i released this because i've been rather unproductive lately and i dug this one out of my projects folder. apparently i've had it since january
i think it was originally supposed to be a dubstart release for the compilation but i ended up putting penultimate dawn on instead, which was an objectively better choice i'm pretty sure

this track exists as an experiment where i synthesized literally every sound. if i made this song more recently it'd probably have a much different set of sounds and i'd be a lot happier with it but oh well
the melody is just me playing random notes from the scale up and down my small midi keyboard (akai mpk mini). there's basically no music theory applied in this song, not that i do that anyway but since there's a melody i should state that anything which seems like a smart or competent move absolutely is not

|styx| (single)


16 June 2023

notes dnb track that's a lot like final days from the cone 2

ʜᴇʟʟᴏ_ (single)


2 June 2023

notes dnb track, styled kinda like a jackal queenston track if you know who that is. fun vocal chops

crushed by the weight of an imaginary sea (single)

Last Cosmillex

7 May 2023

notes another ttrtcfl type track. i love this style. comes with remasters of the other two tracks of this style thus far (ttrtcfl and biasiwl)
  1. crushed by the weight of an imaginary sea yt sc
  2. (BONUS) trying to rest through curtain-filtered light [REMASTER] sc
  3. (BONUS) burning in a self-imposed wasteland [REMASTER] sc

Penultimate Dawn (single)


25 April 2023

notes dnb track for dubstart records. probably one of my best works at the time of creation. wasn't the best time ever to make but sometimes it's like that y'know

Ripdream Wormscape (single)


16 April 2023

notes went back to the old OLD style for this track. it's in the dumb music folder.
ripdream wormscape 🌩️🌃
i guzzle cars and i crash cans 🍹🚙 💥🥫
massive mistake ‼️ 😳😰
i crush jars and i smash clams 🦵 💪🦪

III (featured on)

mt180, Potatolord2925, Xedineth

16 April 2023

notes trash ep made to make fun of someone who kept reading tracks called 'Ill' as the roman numeral for 3
  1. mt180 - Ill
  2. Potatolord2925 - Ill
  3. Xedineth - Ill

A Step too Far EP (featured on)

mt180, TerraRuneOfficial, Sk1llz Heeler, Nater, Potatolord2925, Parallex

21 March 2023

notes terrible ep in which everyone started by creating a short track to be remixed before we shuffled the tracks around and had someone new remix each of the original tracks. the result is a catastrophe and it's astounding that any of it is listenable
  1. TerraRuneOfficial - RAT MUSH JAMBOREE (feat. Sk1llz Heeler) yt
  2. mt180 - love hate relationship with potatoes (feat. Nater) yt sc
  3. Potatolord2925 - Peach Cobblestone (feat. Parallex) yt
  4. Parallex & TerraRuneOfficial - POTWORLD FUTURE yt
  5. mt180 & Sk1llz Heeler - ODE TO INSANITY yt sc
  6. Nater - SATURATOR (feat. Potatolord2925) yt

The Cone 3 (featured on)

mt180, Last Cosmillex, FociciA, CROSS/OVER, TerraRuneOfficial, Sk1llz Heeler, Potatolord2925, Flascoe

12 February 2023

notes i hosted this album in order to ensure there wouldn't be another cone album. terrarune hosting the cone 2 randomly with very little warning and without asking anyone kinda pissed me off so i decided i'd put an end to all of it
petty? yes.
worth it? also yes.
  1. mt180 - Lazy//Uninspired;; (feat. FociciA) yt
  2. TerraRuneOfficial - Sustem Repeat yt
  3. Last Cosmillex - oOPS I CAught an alienparasite yt
  5. Potatolord2925 - la croi× straight through the brainal column yt
  6. TerraRuneOfficial - Car Mutilation yt
  7. TerraRuneOfficial - Skill Advantage yt
  8. mt180 & Last Cosmillex - .hEAVENS wRATH. yt
  9. Potatolord2925 - gas station spidercore rodeo yt
  10. Potatolord2925 - divisioncraft yt
  11. mt180 - lape pona (lape lili) yt
  12. TerraRuneOfficial - State Of Mulch yt
  13. TerraRuneOfficial - Into The Above yt
  14. Last Cosmillex - burning in a self-imposed wasteland yt
  16. Flascoe - crying
  17. TerraRuneOfficial - this might be a dystopia yt
  18. Potatolord2925 - fish tank glop glop glop yt
  19. mt180 - ESC key yt
  20. Potatolord2925 - basic pitch yt
  21. Sk1llz Heeler - g'bye
  22. mt180 - ᴘᴜʀᴇ yt

g0ld dust,,,, entertainment gEESE (featured on)

mt180, TerraRuneOfficial, Potatolord2925

23 January 2023

notes an ep of bootlegs of dj fresh - gold dust. made entirely for fun. surprisingly decent for what it's worth
  1. mt180 - GOLD GOLD 2 yt
  2. TerraRuneOfficial - Gold Dust (Chex Mix) yt
  3. Potatolord2925 - RAPID FIRE THROUGH YOUR DUST yt

Burning Thoughts (single)


29 December 2022

notes dnb track for dubstart records. lots of inspiration from Andrew Huang - Tesla Coil (really cool track! you should check it out)

The Cone 2 (featured on)

mt180, Last Cosmillex, TerraRuneOfficial, Potatolord2925, Flascoe, Cyra998, Thompson Crankenhoover

24 December 2022

notes a massive album as the successor to the cone released earlier in 2022. some of my best works are on here
  1. TerraRuneOfficial - Ambient Anxiety yt
  2. TerraRuneOfficial - How To Die Instantly yt
  3. mt180 - Final Days yt
  4. TerraRuneOfficial - Mountain Glass yt
  5. TerraRuneOfficial - Mulched Sensation yt
  6. mt180 - meaningless interlude yt
  7. mt180 - how to annoy dnb fans yt
  8. TerraRuneOfficial - Sustem Shutdown yt
  9. TerraRuneOfficial - State Of Mind yt
  10. Cyra998 - Into The Sky
  11. Last Cosmillex - the joker of music yt
  12. Potatolord2925 - Animal Cruelty yt
  13. TerraRuneOfficial - Pupae V2 yt
  14. TerraRuneOfficial - Before The Throne Of Death Itself yt
  15. Thompson Crankenhoover - But a Dream
  16. mt180 - High Octane Galactic Space Battle With Lasers and Bass yt
  17. Flascoe - pumpkin song
  18. Cyra998 - Afterburn
  19. TerraRuneOfficial - Ceiling Attractoid yt
  20. mt180 - EGO SLAVE yt
  21. Last Cosmillex - Pompous Deity and the Fragmentation of Overblown Square-Space yt
  22. TerraRuneOfficial - Reflective Flow yt
  23. Potatolord2925 - Organ Failure yt
  24. Last Cosmillex - overdosing on chalk (and why not to fear the end) ft. mt180 yt
  25. TerraRuneOfficial - Car Repair yt
  26. TerraRuneOfficial - Just Dodge yt
  27. Cyra998 - Morning Sun
  28. mt180 - Cold Front yt
  29. Last Cosmillex - Cyber-Terrorism in San Anconeo yt
  30. TerraRuneOfficial - No Privacy is Bad Privacy yt
  31. TerraRuneOfficial - Something About Matter Or Whatever I Really Don't Care yt
  32. mt180 - Good;bye, yt
  33. TerraRuneOfficial - Cringe City yt
  34. TerraRuneOfficial - Anxiety Attack yt

...and nobody can take that away from me (single)


17 December 2022

notes dnb track i originally made for the cone 3 despite the cone 2 not being done yet. decided to release it as a single

original release description:
tracks like this are really frustrating. you spend so much time struggling to make something good, and then you pull something heavenly out of your ass even though it's supposed to be a joke. so anyway now i have this kinda pretty sounding idea and it's super neat but i have no idea what direction to take it in. as with most situations where i don't know what i want, dnb is my immediate go-to. so i put a breakbeat on it and some pads. but now i just have a dnb piano melody thing. now what? I HAVE NO IDEA. bruh,,, i finally have something worthwhile but nothing to do with it. IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THIS DUDE WTH. so anyway instead of letting this one die i fixed it up a bit and published it. i kinda hate it but i think i'll look back and say \"hey this is actually pretty cool.\"

if you want the piano midi you should dm me on discord (i won't tell you the tag so you have to join my server 😈)

early morning walk (single)


23 October 2022

notes chill track 2. it sucks

trying to rest through curtain-filtered light (single)

Last Cosmillex

22 October 2022

notes this is my favorite personal work ever. i don't think anything will top it for a long time

Cosmicore Vol.2 (compilation)

Last Cosmillex

15 October 2022

notes every time i make music i invent a new genre to ruin- it's great
  1. what we missed in the summer yt
  2. meanwhile in the scuttlebug jamboree yt
  3. generic tutorial on missing the rage yt
  4. i forgot it's the early 2000s yt

motionless sunday evening (single)


18 September 2022

notes chill track. it sucks

end (mt180 remix)


3 August 2022

notes even as of june 2023, this is one of my best tracks, and it's a remix of an already great track by my good pal flascoe. check out the original and some of his other stuff too!

Cosmicore Vol.1 (compilation)

Last Cosmillex

26 July 2022

notes first release under last cosmillex. yknow it's funny, this was originally going to be a generic breakcore alias. look where we are now.
  1. trash.mp3 yt sc
  3. daMnIT brooo yt sc

Hasserepeat (album)


27 June 2022

notes remade some of the tracks from my old album hasseryte + a track i never released. think it turned out better, but there's still a lot of improving to do
  1. Hassewrong yt
  2. Keartose yt
  3. Chassette yt
  4. Advil yt
  5. What's a Waterfly? yt

nobody actually knows what they're doing (single)


8 May 2022

notes breakcore thing with some synthsized/sampled string parts and random bs

take a step back (single)


5 April 2022

notes breakcore thing with a wacky drop i'm weirdly pround of

++reminisce (single)


12 March 2022

notes attempt at some classic dnb. doesn't sound like how i intended but it's still pretty neat

sometimes they're not what they seem (single)


25 February 2022

notes sometimes

and yet somehow he still doesn't understand (single)


19 February 2022

notes starts kinda chill but i ruined it

the jungle creeper is a hardmode enemy found in the underground jungle (single)


12 February 2022

notes there is no joke funnier than calling a jungle track with the revenge vocals a jungle creeper



11 February 2022

notes HARSH. the church-- IT IS UNCERTAIN



5 February 2022


REST (single)


29 January 2022

notes 8 minute epic. discontinuous. i wanted to capture the feeling of a really restless night with a trillion damn dreams. i failed completely, but i only started taking production seriously like a month before starting this

The Cone (featured on)

mt180, TerraRuneOfficial, Potatolord2925, Flascoe. featuring Sk1llz Heeler

22 January 2022

notes major album with a bunch of friends! this took forever, i am definitely going to eat my words and take longer on something though.

there was never supposed to be a public download for this album, but here it is anyway! also i have certainly spent longer on things since then lol
  1. mt180 - Transcension yt
  2. mt180 - what is lost gains new meaning in the above yt
  3. TerraRuneOfficial - Sustem Reboot yt
  4. mt180 - Stress Free yt
  5. Potatolord2925 - Plastic Pyramid yt
  6. mt180 - any publicity is good publicity (feat. Sk1llz Heeler) yt
  7. mt180 - upon a pedestal yt
  8. mt180 - Meaning yt
  9. Flascoe - for thelove of g od d
  10. TerraRuneOfficial - Car Crash yt
  11. TerraRuneOfficial - Skill Issue yt
  12. Potatolord2925 - Aerodynamic Instability yt
  13. mt180 - ^ yt
  14. mt180 - note to self: yt

Floorboard Hyperchasm (single)


17 December 2021

notes first release as "mt180"!