random garbage i've done

an assortment of things i've done and made in my time. this page is hard to read and i am so sorry


things in their own sections

tools for doing computery things are at /TOOLS

music and music-y things are at //AUDITORY EXPERIENCES//


thus far there is only one world


full page

the canon world for the mulch video series


i impulsively start new video series whenever i have even a slight semblance of an idea form in my head for a few minutes- here're a bunch of those in no particular order

pre-mt180 video projects

video projects started before i took the mt180 name, mostly made under "Multi Tasker801"

dumb music

terrible music accompanying simple, boring visuals. i was having fun and somehow my friends were too. drop kick your dog is basically half the reason i make music today

a collection of these can be found in a youtube playlist

legends of learning

a full playthrough of the browser game legends of learning as it existed at the time. the game has changed completely at least 3 times since then

somehow i managed to play through two entire episodes of this before realizing i had already played the entire game as of the end of episode 3. this could've been mitigated by reading any of the words that were on my screen. this was only 4 years ago as of writing this, but i promise i am less dense now


"Legends of Learning | Ep1"

"Legends of Learning | Ep. 2"

"Legends of Learning | Ep.3"

"Legends of Learning | Ep.4"

"Legends of Learning | Finale"

playing minecraft with a drawing tablet

it's a really simple concept. in these videos, i played minecraft using a drawing tablet instead of a mouse for input. i never got very far

i always played in hardcore mode, so there wasn't long until there were two seasons. i gave up immediately after season 2. i don't remember why

i might bring this one back some day, it was kinda fun to play and edit


season 1

episode 1 "Minecraft | Drawing Tablet | S1E1"

season 2

episode 1 "S2 EP1 | Minecraft | Drawing tablet"

episode 2 "S2 EP2 | Minecraft | Drawing tablet"

episode 3 "Minecraft | Drawing Tablet S2 Ep3"

series retrospective "Regarding the End of Season 2"

oregon trail speedrunning

in one of my history classes in middle school, the teacher showed us the original oregon trail. naturally, this led to a speedrunning competition. i don't know how or why. of course i won, i wouldn't've let anything else happen

none of these runs would have been accepted on the speedrun.com page for the game, they start timing at the wrong time and using google's stopwatch is terrible


"I Beat the Oregon Trail in 7:09"

"Oregon Trail Farmer Run in 8:25"

"Oregon Trail Banker 5:40"

"Oregon Trail Farmer 5:38"

"Oregon Trail Banker 5:20"

mulch (video series)

read more

a video series i started in 2020 as a result of an absurd conversation i had with a friend. this could be under the pre-mt180 projects category but it is ongoing through the mt180 era so i think it qualifies as something more

it started as a one-off episode, but a year later i expanded on the character portrayed in the first episode with "Eating Some Mulch" and found it fun enough to continue

speedrunning "bad" video games

the title is kinda misleading. i don't actually think these games are bad, for the most part. i am the first person to speedrun many of the games featured on this series. these games are selected from itch.io, and most of them have been on old livestreams by flascoe (the streams are unlisted but you should check out his music anyway)

the playlist of these runs on youtube

geometry dash with screen contortions

i played various geometry dash levels with screen-altering effects that made them significantly more difficult



i have attempted game development at more than one point. now i have a bunch of dead projects


ᴍɪɴᴏ was a 3d platformer game i was making in p5.js. it was pretty flawed. there's a gameplay demo unlisted on my yt. the game is visibly trash in this video and i am not proud of it.

there was a remake being done in unity for about a week before i ditched that too. no evidence of this is anywhere on the internet and i doubt i still have the unity project

ek, the kid

EK, the Kid (etk) was a video game series i started in middle school as a result of a project for hour of code. most of the games are pretty boring. all of them are on scratch, and all the projects are on my (no longer accessible) account EK402

early etk

the early games existed mostly to test the waters and also to get a grade for my hour of code assignment.

games in this era


EK, the Kid IDLE




mid-era etk

these were made as i worked on a larger etk game, that being RPG. there are only two so i can talk a bit more about them

EK, the Kid NIGHT SHIFT (link) was a fnaf inspired game that i never finished but i had big aspirations for. the idea was essentially to smash as many fnaf features as possible into one enormous etk game. i added 4 functioning features before giving up: the office controls, the camera controls, the minigame, and two carl behaviors.

EK, the Kid FIGHTS CARL ONCE AGAIN (link) was a game in which carl blasted you with an immense number of eggs. this game has lore significance, if you can consider the etk series to have lore. this is effectively the precursor to the etk rpg combat system.

ek, the kid rpg

the grand etk game. the etk game to end all etk games. it's a game with a 2d grid-based map where you navigate and fight carls to collect stronger gear to defeat more carls.

this one saw a disproportionate amount of success at my school. i remember seeing my peers playing it in class and thinking "wow that's crazy"

there is actually a final boss in this game but it requires that you just know that it's possible to craft (which is not a core feature) and also that you just know the recipe for the summoning item and where to use it. i'm never going to explain any of it though because i don't really remember and i doubt anyone cares

there was a trailer for this game







multiple different attempts were made at a unity version of etk rpg, but i never even got close to finishing any of them. maybe some day. lol