from this post

things that happen in common english that i think shouldn't happen

before i begin i would like to let you know that my opinions matter more than yours. period

numba 1

capital letter i for singular first person pronoun is FUCKING stupid and we should crucify jesus again over it

no other pronoun is capitalized in this manner, and it only serves to confuse everyone. it's confusing for non-native writers because it's a wacky special case, and it's confusing for native writers because capital i looks like lowercase L in many fonts

number 2

hyphenated sequences of words are disappearing and i am malding about it. i refuse to cope. "soon-to-be" is the only way of writing this phrase that doesn't make my skin liquefy when i read it. maybe they're actually not going away though i can't tell i'm not qualified for this and i am unpaid and they won't let me go

numero tres

days of the week should not be capitalized, neither should months. maybe it makes sense if you're referring to one specific instance of a day of the week or a month in general usage these behave as common nouns and should be treated as such i think


turn off auto-capitalize on your phone please

there was a poll here titled "i am right" with options "yes thank you mt", "Choice 2", and "Choice 3".
it received 4 votes, 3 for "yes thank you mt" and 1 for "Choice 3"

this is a large block of prescriptivism. do whatever you want. nobody actually cares. except number 1. my blood is increasing in temperature until the water content vaporizes and it forms into a strange solid substance