make a webpage/site

it's easy and free and fun and so soso cool. you can document all the cool things you do. you can document all the cool things you like. you can document nothing at all and just write about yourself. you can just do an endless stream of random audio files (link to absurdismworld's radio page). you can do none of the above and just have a big banner that says your name. you can also do all of the above

you can arrange your things however you like and style them to be however you wish. you can spend literally hours laboring over everything insignificant about your site or you can put random shit everywhere (link to

you don't need any prior skills to do it! the internet has SO MANY tutorials on how to do just about everything you could want to do. it also has endless cool websites you can reference. a list of these is provided at the bottom of this page in the form of an array of buttons i collected

you don't need any* money to do it! the internet has an array of cool free hosts to use (like the one this page is provided by: neocities). the internet also has an endless array of free text editors to write your website and all sorts of free artistic tools to make cool stuff for your site with

by no means a complete collection of cool sites (or even of cool sites i've seen) but here are some cool sites: