i think; when i succeed, i'll post it here one day.

if you wanted a glimpse of what it thinks to be me, you're wrong. if you felt you were looking for a glimpse of what it thinks publicly to be me, sure thing.
if you wanted to leave, you'd only say so, but you can't. i'll say it for you: i'd like to leave

posts within each category are reverse-chronological

certainly disorganized and we will figure it out anyhow

i think, sometimes it's insane. when i think so, i'll post it here one day

tumblr imports


sometimes i have productive thoughts. when this happens, i post them here

webworld weblog

sometimes i do things about the site. i might post about them here


sometimes i have opinions that aren't the popular consensus or that directly oppose some authority. maybe i will post some of them here

mt180's mt180 considerations

sometimes i consider myself. on some occasions, such moments may be documented here